Saturday, January 1, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR! To ring in the new year, we've decided to sample one of the most talked about root beers on the market! Unfortunately, most of the talking is done on the root beer's own label, but that's okay. Virgil's gets five stars for self promotion: with rambling stories about collecting various spices from all over the world, ancient root beer recipies (that pre-date the beverage's invention), and an endless quest for perfection in brewing, they talk up such a good game that you're destined to either love or hate the actual contents of the bottle before you even take a sip. And let's face it, you've got to have some serious hubris if your label features a picture of a Lumberjack Jesus serving you root beer in heaven. That's why we're here to cut through the P.R. hoopla, and set the record straight.

John: Yes, you actually can taste all the spices and extracts they brag about: vanilla, nutmeg, clove, wintergreen--they're all here plus more. The mint seems to assert itself slightly more prominently than the other spices, but the richness of the blend is what makes an impression. That, and the fact that the aftertaste is a little too sugary sweet. They describe their brew as "creamy," but I wouldn't use that word--the texture is not exceptional. Very good, but narrowly misses Greatness. ****

Jo: Definitely a **** for me too.  I was really impressed. 


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