Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dr. Brown's Original Root Beer

Dating all the way back to 1869, Dr. Brown's is a famous New York city root beer! The soda's creator--a pediatrician--originally treated the children in his neighborhood with his own celery-flavored soda before branching out into brewing root beer. But enough of the history lesson, we're concerned with only one issue: How does it taste?

John: Probably the quickest-dying foam of any root beer yet. The flavor is weak and the aftertaste borders on rancid. Perhaps we got an original bottle left over from 1869? Hands down the worst root beer we've reviewed so far, it was like choking down medicine to finish it. Maybe it's better out of a can. *

Jo: As far as being a “Flavor Favorite” as the bottle promises, I have to disagree. The flavor didn’t offer anything special that you want in a root beer, it was more like dirt beer. A special dirt brew with bitter afternotes. Kind of like coming down with a flu- at first you feel a little off, and as time goes on you get progressively assaulted by the virus and you just have to tough it out till it’s out of your system. *


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